- Tita Onyebuchi, Nze 

Democracy Has Come to Stay In Nigeria - CDS, Gen Musa.

The Chief of Defence Staff, General Chris Musa has said that Nigerian Military will do everything humanly possible to protect and defend democracy and democratic rule in Nigeria.

General Musa made the statement when he granted audience to select group of Senior Editors.

The Chief of Defence Staff said the Nigerian Military is pre occupied with the core mandate of protecting the territorial integrity of the country and not interested in politics, emphasizing that the military will continue to conduct themselves as a core professional corp, fully devoted to the defense and protection of the country's territorial integrity and democratically elected government.

Gen. Chris Musa who is also double as the Chairman, Joint Chief of Defence Staff of the West African countries said, military rule is no longer fashionablea nor necessary. He explained that the military, the world over, have subscribed to the protection and defense of democratically elected governments, adding that the Military in ECOWAS sub-region is committed to the unity, progress and prosperity of the region, by upholding the constitution of each country and defending the democratically elected governments in the sub-region. 

The CDS enjoined governments across board, to provide good governance while delivering high dividends of democracy to the people.

Gen. Musa pleaded with the media to ensure professional patriotism in discharge of their revered duties at all time, urging them to eschew sensationalism and be circumspect in their assignments.

In his words "Be very circumspect in the reportage of activities of enemiesof the country." He said "the media is a very important partner in promotion of peace and unity in the country, eulogizing the media for doing reasonably well during the just concluded nationwide protest through their display of patriotism, without compromising the unity and security of our dear country." 

Gen. Chris cautioned the Senior Editors on the need to promote peace, corporate existence of the country and protection of Nigeria's hard earned democracy.

The Nigeria's Defence boss said, "The media should be cautious of news items they give prominence and should remember to place the country first always. He reminded the Senior Editors present, that, the country must be at peace for the media establishment to thrive. He said, "my esteemed Senior members of the Press, permit me to address you as 'Generals' in the pen pushing profession. 

I am very glad to meet with you, and very much aware that some of you have put in over 30-40 years in the media; no doubt, you have paid your dues in the noble profession and as such, you are therefore well qualified to be referred to as 5star Media Generals.

"Gentlemen, let us always remember that we don't have any other country other than NIGERIA"

As Senior journalists, you owe the country a lot just as the country looks up to you. 

"Please let's endeavour to promote peace, love and unity; eschew sensationalism and as much as possible not give oxygen to bandits, militants, kidnappers, non state actors and all identified enemies of the State. 

Let's also remember that Democracy, according to Socrates, is the best form of government, we should join hands and nurture it, even as we all know that freedom of expression and Press freedom are better observed during democratic rule.

"As the Chairman of the of the Joint Chiefs of Defence Staff in the West Africa, sub-region, my humble self and colleagues shall do all we can to defend democracy in the sub-region as well as ensure that the Military remain in barracks;" this is our pledge to our people. END

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