...Comrade Salami > Abuja <

TRIBUTE to Great Patriot, Gen. Chris Musa, a Gallant Officer Extraordinaire

TRIBUTE to a Great Patriot, 

a Gallant Officer Extraordinaire 

General Chris Gwabin Musa

In the life of a nation, any nation, just as it is in the life of a country, there usaully comes a time for stock-taking or self introspect and retrospect.

It is a time the nation counts her blessings and interrogates inherent challenges and available prospects with a view of knowing how it has fared so far. In doing this, the nation, of a matter of necessity, must critically identify institutions and agencies, whether government, private or individuals who have contributed immensely to the overall development of the nation. 

For Nigeria, the story cannot be different; as destiny and providence combined have made President Bola Ahmed Tinubu the President and Commander in Chief of the Armed and even unarmed forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 

Providence and sheer destiny , coupled with stints of hard work and immense and meticulously strategic implementation and perseverance gave Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu the most coveted job and the number one Citizen of the most populous black nation in the world. 

In same vain, God mercifully gave President Tinubu the wisdom and the discerning mind to appoint General Christopher Gwabin Musa, the Chief of Defence Staff of the Nigerian Military. 

General Chris Musa, a thorough bred consummate Army Officer and patriot, is in large quarters considered as God's gift to the Military in particular and Nigeria in general. 

To those who know him, Gen. Musa is reputed to be a man with the milk of human kindness, more than this, he is said to be a man strongly committed to his faith, with genuine fear of Almighty God. 

Many who have had one thing or the other to do with him, described him as a no nonsense Officer with zero tolerance for indiscipline, corruption and sloveness. 

He is reputed to be a symbol and sticker for transparency, probity and accountability. He is, to say the least a moral compass. 

This is why we, the Creme-De-La- Creme of the media community have decided to beam our searchlight on this fine Officer-gentle-man, an illustrious son of Nigeria and indeed Africa

Chris Musa, Chief of Defence Staff has within his shortwhile in office has left nobody in doubt that he came prepared, he is a round peg in a round hole who knows his job round about; to say it as it is, he is a soldier's soldier who knows soldiering, a professional to the core. 

Coming to office at this point of our national life is no doubt a blessing. It can be said that is a miracle of sort and salute to good judgement, for Gen. Musa's emergence as the CDS. 

As the Chief of Defence Staff, Chris Musa has told the Military that they must be ready to defend and protect Nigeria's democracy, democratic rule and Institutions. He said soldiers must not venture into the political arena as it is not their primary duty. 

General Chris Musa as the Chairman, West Africa Joint Chief of Defence Staff, has also enjoined his colleagues to support democracy in their respective countries. Gen. Musa, in one of his frank media chats told overzealous individuals fomenting troubles and instigating soldiers to go out of their primary duties, to desist from doing so; adding that the military has no business being in politics. 

But for General Chris Musa Chief of Defence Staff, the enemies of the nation could have succeeded in fanning the embers of disunity among the ranks of Military, but they obviously have failed woefully. 

Gen. Musa, has not relented in his oars, as a very loyal officer; and evidently, his loyalty to Nigeria and the government of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu is clearly total. 

For this, the Creme-De-La-Creme of the media say, CGM, thank you. END

>... OPINION <

...investigatorsnews@gmail.com  080325577444

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